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sexologist doctor
Penis Enlargement Treatment

Penis Enlargement in Saudi Arabia & Penis Enlargement Medicine in Saudi Arabia

Featured Treatments

Best Penis Enlargement in Saudi Arabia

If you can’t stop thinking about the unflattering size or appearance of your penis, If your partner isn’t happy with the amount of pleasure you offer them, If you want to leave a better performance in your bedroom to remember, then the treatment for penis enlargement in Saudi Arabia offered by Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Dawa Khana is the service you have been looking for.

At Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Dawa Khana, Our aim is to increase life quality by using natural ayurvedic herbs, simple elongation exercises, and massages to increase the size, girth, stamina, and erection of your penis for better and happy marriage life. We also focus on the problems of sports-related injuries, lumbar disc injuries, tension headaches, contents, tennis elbow, spinal disc injury by providing hands-on treatments based on ayurvedic herbs for penis enlargement in Saudi Arabia.

Penis Enlargement Treatment: Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Dawa Khana

We all know that severe conditions of the small penis such as “Micropenis” is a condition that is mostly diagnosed by the time of birth in newborn babies, but how many of us know the factors that affect the existing size of the penis and causes shortening or thinning of the penis. Only a few people would be able to answer this, worry not as we are here to put it forward:

Obesity: Shortening of the penis can be a result of weight gain and the deposition of fat around the pubic area. This results in the visual shortening of the penis. Not just the appearance but excess weight gain can also take a toll on the healthy erection you have been receiving by now.

In other words, it's important to keep your body at a healthy weight.

Aging: The decreased number of erections, sexual encounters, testosterone due to aging can slightly shrink the size of your penis. People between the age of 30 to 60 experience these symptoms at their peak resulting in helplessness to perform in bed.

Prostate Surgery: This factor may vary on every individual, but prostate surgeries can up to some extent harm the nerves around your penis turning the size to decrease or shrink the girth.

Inborn: In this condition, Defects in response to a male hormone (testosterone), congenital chordee (tethering of penis), chromosomal abnormalities (rare), or a scar from Peyronie's disease (development of scars/plaques in the penis) cause the newborn the situation that affects the size of their penis.

Visit our website if you want to read about it more. You can also book your appointment easily, Hurry up!